DemoChoice Poll Setup

Create your own poll! With DemoChoice, you can conduct anything from a quick survey to a full-featured election with security and multiple questions of different types.

DemoChoice polls can help make decisions among friends, family, or coworkers that are fair and conclusive. They are a fun way to spread the word about ranked-choice voting methods.

Basic setup
Your name:
Your email :
NOTE: The edit feature does not yet work for IRSA.
If you enter an email address, you will receive instructions allowing you
to edit your poll. Your email address will be used only with regard to
your poll. It's OK to leave this blank if you aren't using voter registration.
The label is a short file identifier that must be unique.
Only letters and numbers are allowed.
Number of candidates to elect:
Votes are no longer counted at the start of the expiration day.
Polls may be deleted a week or two after they expire. details
Voter Registration
Enter the email addresses of those registered to vote.
The limit of 12000 voters can be increased upon request.
If you want to allow anyone to vote, leave this empty.
Addresses are used only to confirm votes.
Be sure to read the instructions!

Use registration keys [read this first!]
Optional fancy features for sophisticated users
Preferred ballot type:
no sorting
horizontal grid
vertical grid
yes or no
periodically shuffle candidate order
Next poll:
Provide the label of a subsequent poll question here if you wish.
Accept voters from:
For multi-question polls with registered voters, register your
voters in the first question, and list that poll in this box for subsequent ones.
If you have both shared voters and voters exclusive to this question,
include this question's label in the box. See detailed instructions.
Ballot type for next poll:
Shuffle candidates on next poll's ballot
Enter up to 32 candidates.
They will appear in random order on the ballot,
except as specified in the Fancy Features section.

Hide poll from directory
Hide results until expiration
Please check your poll for mistakes.
Please be familiar with our business practices
and user expectations.

or cancel and return to the main page

If you need more features than are allowed by this form, such as more candidates, candidate photos or links, or more than 12000 registered voters, send us a request. If you can help translate DemoChoice into other languages, please let us know.

For fancy characters like ö ¡ ©, use the appropriate HTML entity code.

DemoChoice ©2001 Dave Robinson