DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
No elected candidates could reduce their maxima, so candidates were eliminated instead.
The last-place candidate is eliminated.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
The histogram shows how many ballots count a given fraction of a vote toward a winner. It is used to determine how much to lower the maximum.
Ballots that cannot count for a lower-ranked candidate are not included in the histogram.
The maximum is reduced in steps of the defined fractional precision, reducing the surplus by the number of ballots in the affected histogram bins divided by that precision.
This process stops just before too many would be transferred. At this point, the affected bins are shown in red.
When only winners remain, they may reduce their maxima toward the Ideal Number.
There is a newly elected candidate whose maximum could not be reduced.
The surplus is lower than the number of ballots in the first histogram bin (the ballots counting the largest fraction toward the candidate) times the smallest fraction,
so they cannot all transfer that fraction without exceeding the surplus.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
No elected candidates could reduce their maxima, so candidates were eliminated instead.
The last-place candidate is eliminated.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
The histogram shows how many ballots count a given fraction of a vote toward a winner. It is used to determine how much to lower the maximum.
Ballots that cannot count for a lower-ranked candidate are not included in the histogram.
The maximum is reduced in steps of the defined fractional precision, reducing the surplus by the number of ballots in the affected histogram bins divided by that precision.
This process stops just before too many would be transferred. At this point, the affected bins are shown in red.
When only winners remain, they may reduce their maxima toward the Ideal Number.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
No elected candidates could reduce their maxima, so candidates were eliminated instead.
The last-place candidate is eliminated.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
The histogram shows how many ballots count a given fraction of a vote toward a winner. It is used to determine how much to lower the maximum.
Ballots that cannot count for a lower-ranked candidate are not included in the histogram.
The maximum is reduced in steps of the defined fractional precision, reducing the surplus by the number of ballots in the affected histogram bins divided by that precision.
This process stops just before too many would be transferred. At this point, the affected bins are shown in red.
When only winners remain, they may reduce their maxima toward the Ideal Number.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
No elected candidates could reduce their maxima, so candidates were eliminated instead.
The last-place candidate is eliminated.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
The histogram shows how many ballots count a given fraction of a vote toward a winner. It is used to determine how much to lower the maximum.
Ballots that cannot count for a lower-ranked candidate are not included in the histogram.
The maximum is reduced in steps of the defined fractional precision, reducing the surplus by the number of ballots in the affected histogram bins divided by that precision.
This process stops just before too many would be transferred. At this point, the affected bins are shown in red.
When only winners remain, they may reduce their maxima toward the Ideal Number.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
No elected candidates could reduce their maxima, so candidates were eliminated instead.
The last-place candidate is eliminated.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
The histogram shows how many ballots count a given fraction of a vote toward a winner. It is used to determine how much to lower the maximum.
Ballots that cannot count for a lower-ranked candidate are not included in the histogram.
The maximum is reduced in steps of the defined fractional precision, reducing the surplus by the number of ballots in the affected histogram bins divided by that precision.
This process stops just before too many would be transferred. At this point, the affected bins are shown in red.
When only winners remain, they may reduce their maxima toward the Ideal Number.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
No elected candidates could reduce their maxima, so candidates were eliminated instead.
The last-place candidate is eliminated.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
The histogram shows how many ballots count a given fraction of a vote toward a winner. It is used to determine how much to lower the maximum.
Ballots that cannot count for a lower-ranked candidate are not included in the histogram.
The maximum is reduced in steps of the defined fractional precision, reducing the surplus by the number of ballots in the affected histogram bins divided by that precision.
This process stops just before too many would be transferred. At this point, the affected bins are shown in red.
When only winners remain, they may reduce their maxima toward the Ideal Number.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
The histogram shows how many ballots count a given fraction of a vote toward a winner. It is used to determine how much to lower the maximum.
Ballots that cannot count for a lower-ranked candidate are not included in the histogram.
The maximum is reduced in steps of the defined fractional precision, reducing the surplus by the number of ballots in the affected histogram bins divided by that precision.
This process stops just before too many would be transferred. At this point, the affected bins are shown in red.
When only winners remain, they may reduce their maxima toward the Ideal Number.
There is a newly elected candidate whose maximum could not be reduced.
The surplus is lower than the number of ballots in the first histogram bin (the ballots counting the largest fraction toward the candidate) times the smallest fraction,
so they cannot all transfer that fraction without exceeding the surplus.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
No elected candidates could reduce their maxima, so candidates were eliminated instead.
The last-place candidate is eliminated.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
The histogram shows how many ballots count a given fraction of a vote toward a winner. It is used to determine how much to lower the maximum.
Ballots that cannot count for a lower-ranked candidate are not included in the histogram.
The maximum is reduced in steps of the defined fractional precision, reducing the surplus by the number of ballots in the affected histogram bins divided by that precision.
This process stops just before too many would be transferred. At this point, the affected bins are shown in red.
When only winners remain, they may reduce their maxima toward the Ideal Number.
Only winners remain, so the dotted line is raised to the Ideal Number.
Go to the next round
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
No further maximum reductions are allowed, so the count is complete. All winners should be near the Ideal Number of votes.
Usually most ballots count toward their highest-ranked winner. Some count for two winners, but rarely more than that.
See the slice report. The depth report shows the contribution of lower choices to the result.
The "none of these" pile is an accurate measure of unsatisfied voters.
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Final Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
Rank | Fraction of votes for winners | ||
1st | 52.3% | ||
2nd | 25.9% | ||
3rd | 14.7% | ||
4th | 3.7% | ||
5th | 1.9% | ||
6th | 0.9% | ||
7th | 0.3% |
DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin City, Cargill Ward, 2004 by DemoChoice rules |
3 candidates will be elected with 5210 ballots cast. |
First Round | Final Round | Depth | Slices | How it works | Main Page
Slices | Percentage of ballots with that many slices | ||
1 | 59.7% | ||
2 | 40.3% |