DemoChoice Web Poll: Sign Soc’s Treasurer by-election 2024/25
1 candidate will be elected with 36 ballots cast.
First Round    
----------------- 50%
Ruby Chapman 10  (27.8%) 
CCCCCCCCCC _______ :
Shannon Peck (22.2%) 
BBBBBBB __________ :
Rhiannon Huws (22.2%) 
DDDDDDDD _________ :
Issy Sharpe (13.9%) 
EEEEE ____________ :
Hannah Davidson (8.3%) 
FFF ______________ :
James Duffy (5.6%) 
AA _______________ :
Final Round    
--------------- 50%
Ruby Chapman 32  (100.0%) 
None of these  
GGG ____________
Ruby ChapmanElected 

Other displays: all rounds of the count, a table form, or pie charts

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