DemoChoice Web Poll: DNE December 2023 Poll
1 candidate will be elected with 17 ballots cast.
First Round    
---------------------------- 50%
Gwen(Small Saga), Swallowing Siobhan(Small Saga) by holding her by the back of her cloak and swallowing her legs first. (29.4%) 
Seaward being made to show off that plush pretty pegasus rump. (29.4%) 
Kobold on kobold violence! (23.5%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDDD _______________ :
Bryce's transformation into Bria the Vulpix. (11.8%) 
AAAAAAA _____________________ :
Sev after a successful christmas dinner. One where the guests are the dinner. (5.9%) 
EEE _________________________ :
Final Round    
---------------------------- 50%
Seaward being made to show off that plush pretty pegasus rump. (47.1%) 
Kobold on kobold violence! (52.9%) 
Seaward being made to show off that plush pretty pegasus rump.Defeated 
Kobold on kobold violence!Elected 

Other displays: all rounds of the count, a table form, or pie charts

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