DemoChoice Web Poll: Biggest Pain in Website?
3 candidates will be elected with 2 ballots cast.
Table form | Chart form | How it works | Main Page
  playwright testsGeneral size and complexity of the reporeg-flow/quiz-reg/auth controllerSherlocksscholarships and LPAAddToList button/add-to-list-actionexpedite-react and Material UIwebpack/babel/typescript bundling.less stylesapi/account.jstypescript errorsunit testing enzymeFormWrapper(legacy) and FormStoreisomorphic server/client setup or SSRSchema serviceunit testing jestAccountViewStoredocker and development repoform validation and submissionFormWrapperV2 and react-hook-formbuild times/no hot-module-reloadinglinter errorshttp-utils.jspupper/profilesentity-search/configurable lists/search filtersDirect admissions and tracksSeach controller/algoliaNone of theseNeed to win
Round 1 Count11000000000000000000000000000.5
Transfers from
General size and complexity of the repo
Round 2 Count10.500000000000.50000000000000000.5
Transfers from
playwright tests
Round 3 Count0.50.500000000000.5000.50000000000000.5
Transfers from
unit testing jest
Round 4 Count0.50.5000000000010000000000000000.5
Transfers from
FormWrapper(legacy) and FormStore
Round 5 Count0.830.500000000000.670000000000000000.5
Transfers from
playwright tests
Round 6 Count0.830.500000000000.670000000000000000.67

Ballots cast: 2