DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin Mayor, 2004
by DemoChoice rules
1 candidate will be elected with 45,720 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 1    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
Peter Wing Ho CHIN  19,862  (43.4%) 
Malcolm Saba FARRY  17,674  (38.7%) 
Leah MCBEY  3,688  (8.1%) 
EEEEEEEE _______________________________________________ :
Teresa STEVENSON  2,893  (6.3%) 
FFFFFFF ________________________________________________ :
Lee VANDERVIS  1,414  (3.1%) 
GGG ____________________________________________________ :
Jimmy KNOWLES  189  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Jimmy KNOWLES Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

In the first round, the first choices on each ballot are tallied.
The last-place candidate (Jimmy KNOWLES) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

New colors:
None of these

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin Mayor, 2004
by DemoChoice rules
1 candidate will be elected with 45,720 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 2    
------------------------------------------------------ 50%
Peter Wing Ho CHIN  19,886  (43.5%) 
Malcolm Saba FARRY  17,692  (38.7%) 
Leah MCBEY  3,728  (8.2%) 
EEEEEEEEE _____________________________________________ :
Teresa STEVENSON  2,926  (6.4%) 
FFFFFFF _______________________________________________ :
Lee VANDERVIS  1,441  (3.2%) 
GGG ___________________________________________________ :
None of these  47   
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Lee VANDERVIS Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Lee VANDERVIS) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin Mayor, 2004
by DemoChoice rules
1 candidate will be elected with 45,720 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 3    
------------------------------------------------------ 50%
Peter Wing Ho CHIN  20,248  (44.6%) 
Malcolm Saba FARRY  17,909  (39.4%) 
Leah MCBEY  3,935  (8.7%) 
EEEEEEEEE _____________________________________________ :
Teresa STEVENSON  3,305  (7.3%) 
FFFFFFFF ______________________________________________ :
None of these  323   
H _____________________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Teresa STEVENSON Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Teresa STEVENSON) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin Mayor, 2004
by DemoChoice rules
1 candidate will be elected with 45,720 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 4    
----------------------------------------------------- 50%
Peter Wing Ho CHIN  21,046  (47.1%) 
Malcolm Saba FARRY  18,488  (41.4%) 
Leah MCBEY  5,135  (11.5%) 
EEEEEEEEEEEEE ________________________________________ :
None of these  1,051   
HH ___________________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Leah MCBEY Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Leah MCBEY) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin Mayor, 2004
by DemoChoice rules
1 candidate will be elected with 45,720 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 5    
--------------------------------------------------- 50%
Peter Wing Ho CHIN  23,017  (53.5%) 
Malcolm Saba FARRY  20,029  (46.5%) 
None of these  2,674   
HHHHHHH ____________________________________________
Peter Wing Ho CHINElected 
Malcolm Saba FARRYDefeated 

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

Peter Wing Ho CHIN has enough votes to guarantee victory and is declared a winner.
In the end, 50.3% of all cast ballots counted toward a winner. This compares to 43.4% if only the first-round votes were used.

The Ballot Depth section shows how much lower rankings contributed to the tally.

DemoChoice Web Poll: New Zealand, Dunedin Mayor, 2004
by DemoChoice rules
1 candidate will be elected with 45,720 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Final Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Ballot Depth: This shows how much the lower rankings on ballots contributed to the winning candidate.

Rank Fraction of votes for winner
1st 86.3% 
2nd 8.7% 
3rd 3.3% 
4th 1.2% 
5th 0.5%