DemoChoice Web Poll: ASUC 2004 Executive VP Election (UC Berkeley)
1 candidate will be elected with 6,444 ballots cast.
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  CHRISTINE 'CLEE' LEE (ASUC Senator), STUDENT ACTION/APPLE-Engineering/UNITE GreekKARINA SARABIA-DELGADO, CalSERVE (Cal Students for Equal Rights & a Valid Education)Rebecca 'ASUCOutOfMyUterus' Brown, SQUELCH!ALFRED TWU, IndependentMO BENNY, IndependentNone of theseNeed to win
Round 1 Count2713255145343229503222
Transfers from
MO BENNY, Independent
74343528 124 
Round 2 Count2787258548846001243160
Transfers from
ALFRED TWU, Independent
11410896  142 
Round 3 Count29012693584002663089
Transfers from
Rebecca 'ASUCOutOfMyUterus' Brown, SQUELCH!
162121   301 
Round 4 Count306328140005672939

Ballots cast: 6444 (83% turnout)