DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 1    
----------------------------------------------------- 50%
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence  132  (20.6%) 
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG _______________________________ :
Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology  95  (14.8%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA _____________________________________ :
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockades  94  (14.6%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ______________________________________ :
The risk of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons justifies invasion or airstrikes now  67  (10.4%) 
BBBBBBBBBBB __________________________________________ :
Offer and pay for safer energy alternatives  61  (9.5%) 
FFFFFFFFFF ___________________________________________ :
Let the UN figure it out  57  (8.9%) 
CCCCCCCCC ____________________________________________ :
Regime change through covert operations (spies, assassins, propaganda)  57  (8.9%) 
JJJJJJJJJ ____________________________________________ :
Nothing - they are developing power plants, not weapons  45  (7.0%) 
EEEEEEE ______________________________________________ :
Offer them Iraq in exchange for nuclear abstinence  17  (2.6%) 
HHH __________________________________________________ :
Nothing - it's inevitable that they will develop weapons, so intervention would cause unnecesary pain  17  (2.6%) 
III __________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Nothing - it's inevitable that they will develop weapons, so intervention would cause unnecesary pain Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

In the first round, the first choices on each ballot are tallied.
A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (Nothing - it's inevitable that they will develop weapons, so intervention would cause unnecesary pain) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

New colors:
None of these

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DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 2    
----------------------------------------------------- 50%
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence  136  (21.3%) 
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ______________________________ :
Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology  100  (15.6%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA _____________________________________ :
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockades  95  (14.9%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ______________________________________ :
The risk of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons justifies invasion or airstrikes now  67  (10.5%) 
BBBBBBBBBBBB _________________________________________ :
Offer and pay for safer energy alternatives  61  (9.5%) 
FFFFFFFFFF ___________________________________________ :
Let the UN figure it out  60  (9.4%) 
CCCCCCCCC ____________________________________________ :
Regime change through covert operations (spies, assassins, propaganda)  57  (8.9%) 
JJJJJJJJJ ____________________________________________ :
Nothing - they are developing power plants, not weapons  46  (7.2%) 
EEEEEEEE _____________________________________________ :
Offer them Iraq in exchange for nuclear abstinence  17  (2.7%) 
HHH __________________________________________________ :
None of these   
K ____________________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Offer them Iraq in exchange for nuclear abstinence Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Offer them Iraq in exchange for nuclear abstinence) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 3    
---------------------------------------------------- 50%
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence  138  (21.7%) 
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG _____________________________ :
Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology  101  (15.9%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ___________________________________ :
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockades  97  (15.3%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ____________________________________ :
The risk of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons justifies invasion or airstrikes now  68  (10.7%) 
BBBBBBBBBBB _________________________________________ :
Offer and pay for safer energy alternatives  63  (9.9%) 
FFFFFFFFFF __________________________________________ :
Let the UN figure it out  62  (9.8%) 
CCCCCCCCCCC _________________________________________ :
Regime change through covert operations (spies, assassins, propaganda)  59  (9.3%) 
JJJJJJJJJJ __________________________________________ :
Nothing - they are developing power plants, not weapons  47  (7.4%) 
EEEEEEEE ____________________________________________ :
None of these   
K ___________________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Nothing - they are developing power plants, not weapons Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Nothing - they are developing power plants, not weapons) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 4    
--------------------------------------------------- 50%
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence  146  (23.3%) 
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ___________________________ :
Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology  122  (19.5%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ______________________________ :
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockades  98  (15.6%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ___________________________________ :
The risk of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons justifies invasion or airstrikes now  68  (10.8%) 
BBBBBBBBBBB ________________________________________ :
Offer and pay for safer energy alternatives  68  (10.8%) 
FFFFFFFFFFFF _______________________________________ :
Let the UN figure it out  66  (10.5%) 
CCCCCCCCCC _________________________________________ :
Regime change through covert operations (spies, assassins, propaganda)  59  (9.4%) 
JJJJJJJJJJ _________________________________________ :
None of these  15   
KK _________________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Regime change through covert operations (spies, assassins, propaganda) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Regime change through covert operations (spies, assassins, propaganda)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 5    
---------------------------------------------------- 50%
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence  150  (24.0%) 
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ____________________________ :
Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology  123  (19.7%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ________________________________ :
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockades  117  (18.8%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD _________________________________ :
The risk of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons justifies invasion or airstrikes now  95  (15.2%) 
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ____________________________________ :
Offer and pay for safer energy alternatives  69  (11.1%) 
FFFFFFFFFFF _________________________________________ :
Let the UN figure it out  70  (11.2%) 
CCCCCCCCCCCC ________________________________________ :
None of these  18   
KKK _________________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Offer and pay for safer energy alternatives Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Offer and pay for safer energy alternatives) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 6    
---------------------------------------------------- 50%
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence  185  (29.7%) 
Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology  134  (21.5%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ______________________________ :
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockades  129  (20.7%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD _______________________________ :
The risk of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons justifies invasion or airstrikes now  96  (15.4%) 
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB _____________________________________ :
Let the UN figure it out  79  (12.7%) 
CCCCCCCCCCCCC _______________________________________ :
None of these  19   
KKKK ________________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Let the UN figure it out Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Let the UN figure it out) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 7    
--------------------------------------------------- 50%
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence  215  (34.8%) 
Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology  152  (24.6%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA _________________________ :
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockades  148  (24.0%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ___________________________ :
The risk of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons justifies invasion or airstrikes now  102  (16.5%) 
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB __________________________________ :
None of these  25   
KKKK _______________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
The risk of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons justifies invasion or airstrikes now Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (The risk of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons justifies invasion or airstrikes now) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 8    
------------------------------------------------- 50%
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence  238  (40.2%) 
Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology  154  (26.0%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ________________________ :
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockades  200  (33.8%) 
None of these  50   
KKKKKKKK _________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Nothing - Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 9    
---------------------------------------------- 50%
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence  333  (59.6%) 
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockades  226  (40.4%) 
None of these  83   
KKKKKKKKKKKKKK ________________________________
Nonviolent coercion: sanctions, boycotts, blockadesDefeated 
Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinenceElected 

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

Offer improved economic ties in return for nuclear abstinence has enough votes to guarantee victory and is declared a winner.
In the end, 51.9% of all cast ballots counted toward a winner. This compares to 20.6% if only the first-round votes were used.

The Ballot Depth section shows how much lower rankings contributed to the tally.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: Iran's nuclear program - what to do?
1 candidate will be elected with 642 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Final Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Ballot Depth: This shows how much the lower rankings on ballots contributed to the winning candidate.

Rank Fraction of votes for winner
1st 39.6% 
2nd 21.3% 
3rd 15.6% 
4th 9.9% 
5th 8.4% 
6th 4.8% 
7th 0.3%