DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 1    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  71  (15.5%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSSS ___________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  13  (2.8%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  11  (2.4%) 
RR _____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.5%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
L ______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JACK LOYD GRISHAM, Musician/Laborer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
V ______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ROBERT C. NEWMAN II, Psychologist/Farmer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
b ______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD ANDREW GOSSE, Educator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
k ______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
n ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
TIM SYLVESTER, Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
“ ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
” ______________________________________________________ :
SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
™ ______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
¬ ______________________________________________________ :
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KURT E. RIGHTMYER, Middleweight Sumo Wrestler (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
½ ______________________________________________________ :
LAWRENCE STEVEN STRAUSS, Lawyer/Businessperson/Student (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
PATRICIA G. TILLEY, Attorney (Independent)  (0.2%) 
À ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
LAWRENCE STEVEN STRAUSS, Lawyer/Businessperson/Student (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (LAWRENCE STEVEN STRAUSS, Lawyer/Businessperson/Student (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 2    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  71  (15.5%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  13  (2.8%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  11  (2.4%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.5%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
XX _____________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JACK LOYD GRISHAM, Musician/Laborer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ROBERT C. NEWMAN II, Psychologist/Farmer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD ANDREW GOSSE, Educator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
k ______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
TIM SYLVESTER, Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
t ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
™ ______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
  ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KURT E. RIGHTMYER, Middleweight Sumo Wrestler (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¶ ______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
PATRICIA G. TILLEY, Attorney (Independent)  (0.2%) 
À ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
TIM SYLVESTER, Entrepreneur (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (TIM SYLVESTER, Entrepreneur (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 3    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  71  (15.5%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
›››››››› _______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  13  (2.8%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  11  (2.4%) 
RR _____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.5%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
L ______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JACK LOYD GRISHAM, Musician/Laborer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
Z ______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ROBERT C. NEWMAN II, Psychologist/Farmer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD ANDREW GOSSE, Educator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
k ______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KURT E. RIGHTMYER, Middleweight Sumo Wrestler (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
PATRICIA G. TILLEY, Attorney (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
JACK LOYD GRISHAM, Musician/Laborer (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (JACK LOYD GRISHAM, Musician/Laborer (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 4    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  72  (15.8%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
›››››››› _______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  13  (2.8%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  11  (2.4%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.5%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
L ______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
V ______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
^ ______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ROBERT C. NEWMAN II, Psychologist/Farmer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
b ______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD ANDREW GOSSE, Educator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
q ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
~ ______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
“ ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
™ ______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
  ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KURT E. RIGHTMYER, Middleweight Sumo Wrestler (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¸ ______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¼ ______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
PATRICIA G. TILLEY, Attorney (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
KURT E. RIGHTMYER, Middleweight Sumo Wrestler (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (KURT E. RIGHTMYER, Middleweight Sumo Wrestler (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 5    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  72  (15.8%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  11  (2.4%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.5%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
V ______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
^ ______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ROBERT C. NEWMAN II, Psychologist/Farmer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD ANDREW GOSSE, Educator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
” ______________________________________________________ :
SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
µ ______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
PATRICIA G. TILLEY, Attorney (Independent)  (0.2%) 
À ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
RICHARD ANDREW GOSSE, Educator (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (RICHARD ANDREW GOSSE, Educator (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 6    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  72  (15.8%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.5%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
XX _____________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
ff _____________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
Z ______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
a ______________________________________________________ :
ROBERT C. NEWMAN II, Psychologist/Farmer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
~ ______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
 ______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
“ ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
  ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
PATRICIA G. TILLEY, Attorney (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
ROBERT C. NEWMAN II, Psychologist/Farmer (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (ROBERT C. NEWMAN II, Psychologist/Farmer (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 7    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  72  (15.8%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
›››››››› _______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.5%) 
r ______________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
O ______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
g ______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
q ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
~ ______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
 ______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
“ ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
™ ______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
  ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
PATRICIA G. TILLEY, Attorney (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
PATRICIA G. TILLEY, Attorney (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (PATRICIA G. TILLEY, Attorney (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 8    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  72  (15.8%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
q ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
˜ ______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
¬ ______________________________________________________ :
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
µ ______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¸ ______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
½ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (SARA ANN HANLON, Businesswoman (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 9    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  72  (15.8%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSSS ___________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
ff _____________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
V ______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
 ______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
™ ______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
¬ ______________________________________________________ :
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¸ ______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¼ ______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (KEVIN RICHTER, Information Technology Manager (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 10    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  72  (15.8%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
›››››››› _______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.3%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
ff _____________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
K ______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
a ______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
g ______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
q ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
™ ______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
  ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¸ ______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (RONALD J. FRIEDMAN, Physician (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 11    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  72  (15.8%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.5%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
D ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
V ______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
h ______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
  ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
¬ ______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (DANIEL J. RAMIREZ, Businessman/Entrepreneur/Father (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 12    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  36  (7.9%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.5%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
a ______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
g ______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
h ______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
q ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
“ ______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (GARRETT GRUENER, High-Tech Entreprenuer (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 13    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.5%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
O ______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
q ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
¬ ______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (RALPH A. HERNANDEZ, District Attorney Inspector (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 14    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.5%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
n ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (NATHAN WHITECLOUD WALTON, Student (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 15    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSSS ___________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RR _____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
ff _____________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
O ______________________________________________________ :
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
~ ______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (JEFF RAINFORTH, Marketing Coodinator (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 16    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
~ ______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
“ ______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
  ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (CHARLES "CHUCK" PINEDA,, State Hearing Officer (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 17    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
D ______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
L ______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
n ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
 ______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
  ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¼ ______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
½ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (KELLY P. KIMBALL, Business Executive (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 18    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
r ______________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
ff _____________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
D ______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
^ ______________________________________________________ :
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
¬ ______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¸ ______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (HEATHER PETERS, Mediator (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 19    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
›››››››› _______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
D ______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
~ ______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
 ______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
½ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (SHARON RUSHFORD, Businesswoman (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 20    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
›››››››› _______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  31  (6.8%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
D ______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
^ ______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
n ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
¬ ______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¼ ______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (DIANE BEALL TEMPLIN, Attorney/Realtor/Businesswoman (American Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 21    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  32  (7.0%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RR _____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
q ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (DARRIN H. SCHEIDLE, Businessman/Entrepreneur (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 22    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  37  (8.1%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  32  (7.0%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
ff _____________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
~ ______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (BILL SIMON, Businessman (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 23    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  32  (7.0%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
XX _____________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
ff _____________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)  (0.2%) 
¼ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (RICHARD J. SIMMONS, Attorney/Businessperson (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 24    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»» ________________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
XX _____________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.4%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
D ______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
“ ______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (CHRISTOPHER SPROUL, Environmental Attorney (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 25    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
r ______________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
¬ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (MICHAEL JACKSON, Satellite Project Manager (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 26    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
^ ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (CARL A. MEHR, Businessman (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 27    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.7%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
L ______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
“ ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (DIANA FOSS, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 28    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
›››››››››› _____________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.7%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
~ ______________________________________________________ :
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (MOHAMMAD ARIF, Businessman (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 29    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
r ______________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.7%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
D ______________________________________________________ :
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)  (0.2%) 
L ______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (REVA RENEE RENZ, Small Business Owner (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 30    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦ ______________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
XX _____________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
^ ______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (AUDIE BOCK, Educator/Small Businesswoman (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 31    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.7%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
l ______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)  (0.2%) 
~ ______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (ANGELYNE, Entertainer (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 32    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (1.8%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)  (0.2%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¡ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (MIKE SCHMIER, Attorney (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 33    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  98  (21.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RR _____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rrr ____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by comparing votes in previous rounds.
The last-place candidate (STEPHEN L. KNAPP, Engineer (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 34    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  99  (21.7%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQ ____________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  11  (2.4%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
¹ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (DAN FEINSTEIN, No Ballot Designation Requested (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 35    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  99  (21.7%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rrr ____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (RONALD JASON PALMIERI, Gay Rights Attorney (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 36    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  99  (21.7%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  16  (3.5%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSSS ___________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (JAMIE ROSEMARY SAFFORD, Business Owner (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 37    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  99  (21.7%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
·· _____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
XX _____________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
C ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)  (0.4%) 
` ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (JERRY KUNZMAN, Chief Executive Officer (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 38    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  99  (21.7%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  33  (7.2%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rrr ____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
H ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (DOUGLAS ANDERSON, Mortgage Broker (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 39    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  99  (21.7%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  34  (7.4%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.4%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (BROOKE ADAMS, Business Executive (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 40    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  99  (21.7%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  34  (7.4%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  19  (4.2%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦ ______________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (0.9%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)  (0.7%) 
T ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by comparing votes in previous rounds.
The last-place candidate (KEN HAMIDI, State Tax Officer (Libertarian)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 41    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  100  (21.9%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  35  (7.7%) 
»»»»»»»»» ______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  19  (4.2%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
XX _____________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
ff _____________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (1.1%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
p ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)  (0.7%) 
[ ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by comparing votes in previous rounds.
The last-place candidate (EDWARD "ED" KENNEDY, Businessman/Educator (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 42    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  100  (21.9%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  36  (7.9%) 
»»»»»»»»» ______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  19  (4.2%) 
uuuu ___________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSSS ___________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘ ____________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  (2.0%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (1.1%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)  (0.7%) 
_______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (RANDALL D. SPRAGUE, Discrimination Complaint Investigator (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 43    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  100  (21.9%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  36  (7.9%) 
»»»»»»»»» ______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  19  (4.2%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  10  (2.2%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
£ ______________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.3%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (1.1%) 
oo _____________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)  (0.9%) 
W ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by comparing votes in previous rounds.
The last-place candidate (IRIS ADAM, Business Analyst (Natural Law)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 44    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  101  (22.1%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  36  (7.9%) 
»»»»»»»» _______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  19  (4.2%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  12  (2.6%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  10  (2.2%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.5%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
XX _____________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (1.1%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)  (0.9%) 
j ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (CHRISTOPHER RANKEN, Planning Commissioner (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 45    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  101  (22.1%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  36  (7.9%) 
»»»»»»»»» ______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  19  (4.2%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
···· ___________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦ ______________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  10  (2.2%) 
rrr ____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.5%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)  (1.1%) 
o ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian) Defeated
B u

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by comparing votes in previous rounds.
The last-place candidate (NED ROSCOE, Cigarette Retailer (Libertarian)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 46    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  101  (22.1%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  73  (16.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  37  (8.1%) 
»»»»»»»»» ______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  21  (4.6%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  17  (3.7%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSSS ___________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  16  (3.5%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
···· ___________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  10  (2.2%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.8%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)  (1.1%) 
X ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by choosing a candidate at random.
The last-place candidate (IVAN A. HALL, Custom Denture Manufacturer (Green)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 47    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  101  (22.1%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  74  (16.2%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  37  (8.1%) 
»»»»»»»»» ______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  21  (4.6%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
QQQQQ __________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSSS ___________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  14  (3.1%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  16  (3.5%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  10  (2.2%) 
rrr ____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.8%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
| ______________________________________________________ :
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)  (1.1%) 
f ______________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (PETER V. UEBERROTH, Businessman (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 48    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  102  (22.3%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  74  (16.2%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
›››››››››› _____________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  38  (8.3%) 
»»»»»»»»» ______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  22  (4.8%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  15  (3.3%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  17  (3.7%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  10  (2.2%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)  (1.5%) 
££ _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.8%) 
B ______________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (TODD RICHARD LEWIS, Businessman (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 49    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  102  (22.3%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  74  (16.2%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  38  (8.3%) 
»»»»»»»»» ______________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  22  (4.8%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
QQQQQ __________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  15  (3.3%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  17  (3.7%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  10  (2.2%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)  (1.8%) 
BB _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (1.8%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by comparing votes in previous rounds.
The last-place candidate (JOHN J. "JACK" HICKEY, Healthcare District Director (Libertarian)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 50    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  103  (22.5%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  74  (16.2%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  38  (8.3%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  40  (8.8%) 
»»»»»»»»»» _____________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  24  (5.3%) 
uuuuuu _________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  15  (3.3%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  17  (3.7%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
··· ____________________________________________________ :
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)  (1.8%) 
¦¦ _____________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  10  (2.2%) 
rrr ____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  (2.0%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (BRUCE MARGOLIN, Marijuana Legalization Attorney (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 51    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  103  (22.5%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  74  (16.2%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  39  (8.5%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  40  (8.8%) 
»»»»»»»»»» _____________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  24  (5.3%) 
uuuuuu _________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  18  (3.9%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  15  (3.3%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  17  (3.7%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
···· ___________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  10  (2.2%) 
rr _____________________________________________________ :
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)  10  (2.2%) 
|| _____________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by comparing votes in previous rounds.
The last-place candidate (DANIEL T. WATTS, College Student (Green)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 52    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  105  (23.0%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  75  (16.4%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  39  (8.5%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  42  (9.2%) 
»»»»»»»»»» _____________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  24  (5.3%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  19  (4.2%) 
QQQQ ___________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  13  (2.8%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  16  (3.5%) 
___________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  17  (3.7%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  12  (2.6%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
···· ___________________________________________________ :
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)  11  (2.4%) 
rrr ____________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (ALEX-ST. JAMES, Public Policy Strategist (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 53    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  105  (23.0%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ______________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  75  (16.4%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  39  (8.5%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  42  (9.2%) 
»»»»»»»»»» _____________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  24  (5.3%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  23  (5.0%) 
QQQQQQ _________________________________________________ :
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)  14  (3.1%) 
SSS ____________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  16  (3.5%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  17  (3.7%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  15  (3.3%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  15  (3.3%) 
···· ___________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic) Defeated
x ˆ

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (GEORGY RUSSELL, Software Engineer (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 54    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  108  (23.6%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _____________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  78  (17.1%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  41  (9.0%) 
››››››››› ______________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  42  (9.2%) 
»»»»»»»»»» _____________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  24  (5.3%) 
uuuuuu _________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  23  (5.0%) 
QQQQQQ _________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  16  (3.5%) 
____________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  18  (3.9%) 
‘‘‘‘ ___________________________________________________ :
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)  15  (3.3%) 
RRR ____________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  16  (3.5%) 
···· ___________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (C. STEPHEN HENDERSON, Teacher (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 55    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  108  (23.6%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _____________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  78  (17.1%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  41  (9.0%) 
›››››››››› _____________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  42  (9.2%) 
»»»»»»»»»» _____________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽ ___________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  24  (5.3%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  29  (6.3%) 
QQQQQQQ ________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  17  (3.7%) 
__________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  18  (3.9%) 
‘‘‘‘‘ __________________________________________________ :
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)  16  (3.5%) 
···· ___________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (DAVID LAUGHING HORSE ROBINSON, Tribal Chairman (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 56    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  108  (23.6%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _____________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  78  (17.1%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ _____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  41  (9.0%) 
›››››››››› _____________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  43  (9.4%) 
»»»»»»»»»» _____________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  24  (5.3%) 
uuuuuu _________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  30  (6.6%) 
QQQQQQQ ________________________________________________ :
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
__________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  20  (4.4%) 
‘‘‘‘‘ __________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

A tie was resolved by comparing votes in previous rounds.
The last-place candidate (GARY COLEMAN, Actor (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 57    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  111  (24.3%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ____________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  79  (17.3%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  43  (9.4%) 
›››››››››› _____________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  43  (9.4%) 
»»»»»»»»»» _____________________________________________ :
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)  18  (3.9%) 
ŽŽŽŽŽ __________________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  24  (5.3%) 
uuuuuu _________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  30  (6.6%) 
QQQQQQQ ________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  22  (4.8%) 
‘‘‘‘‘‘ _________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent) Defeated
x ‘‘

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (MARY "MARY CAREY" COOK, Adult Film Actress (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 58    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  114  (24.9%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ___________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  80  (17.5%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  43  (9.4%) 
›››››››››› _____________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  43  (9.4%) 
»»»»»»»»»» _____________________________________________ :
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)  24  (5.3%) 
uuuuu __________________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  30  (6.6%) 
QQQQQQQ ________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  30  (6.6%) 
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ _______________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican) Defeated
‘ »»»»»

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (TOM MCCLINTOCK, State Senator (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 59    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  116  (25.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ___________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  81  (17.7%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ___________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  43  (9.4%) 
››››››››››› ____________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  60  (13.1%) 
»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ________________________________________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)  30  (6.6%) 
QQQQQQQ ________________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  31  (6.8%) 
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ _______________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 60    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  116  (25.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ___________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  81  (17.7%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ____________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  43  (9.4%) 
›››››››››› _____________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  60  (13.1%) 
»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ________________________________________ :
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)  31  (6.8%) 
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ________________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic) Defeated
x ˆ › »»

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (LARRY FLYNT, Publisher (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 61    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  120  (26.3%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ___________________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  87  (19.0%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ___________________________________ :
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)  47  (10.3%) 
›››››››››››› ___________________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  66  (14.4%) 
»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» _______________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent) Defeated
xxxxxx ˆˆ

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, Author/Columnist/Mother (Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 62    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  143  (31.3%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _____________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  95  (20.8%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ________________________________ :
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)  67  (14.7%) 
»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» _______________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican) Defeated
x ˆˆ

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Actor/Businessman (Republican)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 63    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  147  (32.2%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ____________________ :
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)  102  (22.3%) 
ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ ______________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (CRUZ M. BUSTAMANTE, Lieutenant Governor (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 64    
------------------------------------------------------- 50%
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)  180  (39.4%) 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ____________ :
GENE FORTE, Executive Recruiter/Entrepreneur (Republican)Defeated 
PETER MIGUEL CAMEJO, Financial Investment Advisor (Green)Elected 

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents an elected member's equal share of the votes (50% of counted votes).

At this point, the number of remaining candidates equals the number of remaining seats, so the remaining candidates are declared elected.
In the end, 39.4% of all cast ballots counted toward a winner. This compares to 21.4% if only the first-round votes were used.

The Ballot Depth section shows how much lower rankings contributed to the tally.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: If Gray Davis is recalled, who should replace him?
1 candidate will be elected with 457 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Final Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Ballot Depth: This shows how much the lower rankings on ballots contributed to the winning candidate.

Rank Fraction of votes for winner
1st 54.4% 
2nd 21.7% 
3rd 10.6% 
4th 6.7% 
5th 2.2% 
6th 1.1% 
7th 1.1% 
8th 1.1% 
10th 1.1%