DemoChoice Web Poll: California Controller
1 candidate will be elected with 1,241 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 1    
------------------------------------------------ 50%
Tony Strickland, Taxpayer Organization President (Republican)   323  (26.0%) 
Elizabeth Barron, Retired Teacher (Peace and Freedom)   323  (26.0%) 
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF _______________________ :
John Chiang, Member, State Board of Equalization (Democratic)   285  (23.0%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA _________________________ :
Laura Wells, Financial Systems Consultant (Green)   146  (11.8%) 
DDDDDDDDDDD _____________________________________ :
Donna Tello, Tax Accountant (Libertarian)   121  (9.8%) 
EEEEEEEEEE ______________________________________ :
Warren Campbell, Minister (American Independent)   43  (3.5%) 
CCC _____________________________________________ :
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Warren Campbell, Minister (American Independent) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

In the first round, the first choices on each ballot are tallied.
The last-place candidate (Warren Campbell, Minister (American Independent)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

New colors:
None of these

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: California Controller
1 candidate will be elected with 1,241 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 2    
------------------------------------------------- 50%
Tony Strickland, Taxpayer Organization President (Republican)   323  (26.0%) 
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ________________________ :
Elizabeth Barron, Retired Teacher (Peace and Freedom)   363  (29.3%) 
John Chiang, Member, State Board of Equalization (Democratic)   285  (23.0%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ___________________________ :
Laura Wells, Financial Systems Consultant (Green)   147  (11.9%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDD _____________________________________ :
Donna Tello, Tax Accountant (Libertarian)   122  (9.8%) 
EEEEEEEEEE _______________________________________ :
None of these   
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Donna Tello, Tax Accountant (Libertarian) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Donna Tello, Tax Accountant (Libertarian)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: California Controller
1 candidate will be elected with 1,241 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 3    
------------------------------------------------ 50%
Tony Strickland, Taxpayer Organization President (Republican)   336  (27.3%) 
Elizabeth Barron, Retired Teacher (Peace and Freedom)   450  (36.5%) 
John Chiang, Member, State Board of Equalization (Democratic)   289  (23.4%) 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA __________________________ :
Laura Wells, Financial Systems Consultant (Green)   158  (12.8%) 
DDDDDDDDDDDDD ___________________________________ :
None of these   
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
Laura Wells, Financial Systems Consultant (Green) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (Laura Wells, Financial Systems Consultant (Green)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: California Controller
1 candidate will be elected with 1,241 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Next Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 4    
------------------------------------------------ 50%
Tony Strickland, Taxpayer Organization President (Republican)   357  (29.3%) 
Elizabeth Barron, Retired Teacher (Peace and Freedom)   525  (43.1%) 
John Chiang, Member, State Board of Equalization (Democratic)   337  (27.6%) 
None of these  22   
GG ______________________________________________
Results   Redistributed Votes (to these colors)
John Chiang, Member, State Board of Equalization (Democratic) Defeated

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

The last-place candidate (John Chiang, Member, State Board of Equalization (Democratic)) is eliminated. Ballots for that candidate are counted toward their next highest ranking.

next round Next Round

DemoChoice Web Poll: California Controller
1 candidate will be elected with 1,241 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Final Round | Previous Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Round 5    
---------------------------------------------- 50%
Tony Strickland, Taxpayer Organization President (Republican)   469  (40.0%) 
Elizabeth Barron, Retired Teacher (Peace and Freedom)   703  (60.0%) 
None of these  69   
GGGGGG ________________________________________
Tony Strickland, Taxpayer Organization President (Republican) Defeated 
Elizabeth Barron, Retired Teacher (Peace and Freedom) Elected 

Note: If this doesn't make sense, try reading the How it works page, view the table form, or ask a question.
The dotted line represents the number of votes that guarantees victory (50% of counted votes).

Elizabeth Barron, Retired Teacher (Peace and Freedom) has enough votes to guarantee victory and is declared a winner.
In the end, 56.6% of all cast ballots counted toward a winner. This compares to 26% if only the first-round votes were used.

The Ballot Depth section shows how much lower rankings contributed to the tally.

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DemoChoice Web Poll: California Controller
1 candidate will be elected with 1,241 ballots cast.

Table form | Chart form: First Round | Final Round | Ballot Depth | How it works | Main Page

Ballot Depth: This shows how much the lower rankings on ballots contributed to the winning candidate.

Rank Fraction of votes for winner
1st 45.9% 
2nd 47.9% 
3rd 3.6% 
4th 2.0% 
5th 0.6%