DemoChoice Web Poll: January 2024 Book Club
3 candidates will be elected with 34 ballots cast.
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  Refactoring to Testable Code in Java (Clean Code) by Ted M. YoungArchitecture Modernization by Nick Tune with Jean-Georges PerrinBuilding Evolutionary Architectures by Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons & Patrick KuaDesigning Data-Intensive Applications by Martin KleppmannTest-Driven Development with Java: Create higher-quality software by writing tests first with SOLID and hexagonal architecturThe Programmer's Brain by Felienne HermansTidy First? by Kent BeckGet Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture (2nd Ed) by Tom HombergsGrowing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman & Nat PryceJust Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach by George H. FairbanksModern Software Engineering: Doing What Works to Build Better Software Faster by Dave FarleySoftware Mistakes and Tradeoffs: How to make good programming decisions by Tomasz Lelek, Jon SkeetSpring Security in Action by Laurentiu SpilcaA Philosophy of Software Design by John OusterhoutCode That Fits in Your Head : Heuristics for Software Engineering by Mark SeemannData and Reality (2nd Ed) by William KentEffective Software Testing by Maurício AnicheRelease It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software by Michael T. NygardNone of theseNeed to win
Round 1 Count143322221111110000008.5
Transfers from
Refactoring to Testable Code in Java (Clean Code) by Ted M. Young
 1.57   0.791.180.390.39 0.39      0.79  
Round 2 Count8.54.573222.793.181.391.3911.391100000.7908.5
Transfers from
Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software by Michael T. Nygard
Round 3 Count8.54.5732.392.392.793.181.391.3911.39110000008.5
Transfers from
Spring Security in Action by Laurentiu Spilca
Round 4 Count8.54.5732.392.393.793.181.391.3911.39100000008.5
Transfers from
Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach by George H. Fairbanks
Round 5 Count8.55.5732.392.393.793.181.391.3901.39100000008.5
Transfers from
Software Mistakes and Tradeoffs: How to make good programming decisions by Tomasz Lelek, Jon Skeet
Round 6 Count8.55.5732.392.394.793.181.391.3901.39000000008.5
Transfers from
Modern Software Engineering: Doing What Works to Build Better Software Faster by Dave Farley
  0.39   1             
Round 7 Count8.55.573.392.392.394.794.181.391.3900000000008.5
Transfers from
Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture (2nd Ed) by Tom Hombergs
Round 8 Count8.55.573.393.792.394.794.1801.3900000000008.5
Transfers from
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce
1 0.39                 
Round 9 Count9.55.573.793.792.394.794.180000000000008.5
Transfers from
Test-Driven Development with Java: Create higher-quality software by writing tests first with SOLID and hexagonal architectur
 1   10.39             
Round 10 Count9.56.573.793.7905.794.570000000000008.5
Transfers from
Building Evolutionary Architectures by Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons & Patrick Kua
0.391 2 0.39              
Round 11 Count9.897.5705.7906.184.570000000000008.5
Transfers from
Tidy First? by Kent Beck
1.790.39 0.39 1            1 
Round 12 Count11.687.9606.1807.1800000000000018.25
Transfers from
Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann
 3.39   0.79            2 
Round 13 Count11.6811.360007.9600000000000037.75
Transfers from
Refactoring to Testable Code in Java (Clean Code) by Ted M. Young
Round 14 Count10.3311.360009.3100000000000037.75
Transfers from
Architecture Modernization by Nick Tune with Jean-Georges Perrin
Round 15 Count10.3310.3300010.3300000000000039.42

Ballots cast: 34