DemoChoice Web Poll: DNE September 2024 Poll
1 candidate will be elected with 11 ballots cast.
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  Cowboy Lief failing to hunt Rotjaw and getting eaten for his troubles.Tara Ness using the gains from her previous bounty to lure in the next one.Brycebold in a spiderman pointing meme with a Japanese and a traditional Germanic kobold.Artist choice character(s) at megaplex 2024.Bryce aiming his weapon at an abnormally large and angry owlbear.None of theseNeed to win
Round 1 Count3331106
Transfers from
Bryce aiming his weapon at an abnormally large and angry owlbear.
Round 2 Count4331006
Transfers from
Artist choice character(s) at megaplex 2024.
Round 3 Count4340006
Transfers from
Tara Ness using the gains from her previous bounty to lure in the next one.
2 1    
Round 4 Count6050006

Ballots cast: 11 (18.6% turnout)