DemoChoice Web Poll: DNE December 2024 Poll
1 candidate will be elected with 11 ballots cast.
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  Bria really getting into the holiday spirit, by getting eaten by an Alolan Ninetails.Sunny Starscout loses control of her alicorn appetite and regrets eating someone/something she shouldn't have.Otter Bryce trying out "alternative" pokeball storage methods for his team.Buice battling with the buoyancy of a full belly underwater, wanting to keep his gut hidden while wading.A kobold warren celebrating a holiday.None of theseNeed to win
Round 1 Count4321106
Transfers from
Buice battling with the buoyancy of a full belly underwater, wanting to keep his gut hidden while wading.
Round 2 Count5320106
Transfers from
A kobold warren celebrating a holiday.
Round 3 Count5330006
Transfers from
Otter Bryce trying out "alternative" pokeball storage methods for his team.
Round 4 Count8300006

Ballots cast: 11 (18.6% turnout)